Monday 15 April 2013


“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” 

I have not suffered enormous tragedy in my life unlike some, however the personal tragedies which I have endured have taught me one thing... I am one of those people who believes in being told the truth - no matter what!  Personally I would much rather be pissed off than be lied to, m
y best friend is the same and I think this is one of the reasons I love her. 
I am also not one to hold back, if I know the truth then I will tell someone - I think that's why my best friend loves me too! If someone asks for my opinion then I really will tell them, for is it not best to warn someone of the fact before they make a fool of themselves?
You could argue that the truth is their's to discover however not knowing the truth to start off with, and being humiliated because of this, can have lasting damage on a person. This is why I chose my friends wisely and I often distance myself from those who think they can protect me by hiding the truth, for the truth really does set you free and enable you to move on from a situation and make the best of what you can. 
To tell the truth takes courage and grace, it is not easy but ultimately it is the best option...

Love xPCx

Sunday 14 April 2013


Ok... so I haven't posted in a week and a bit due to exams but now they're over I'm back! Seeing as my last post was kind of intense, a bit serious and well frankly too thought provoking for my buoyant attitude to life I thought I would share some of my inspiration with you.
This week we all herd the news that Margaret Thatcher passed away. Now, no matter how you feel about her leadership or decisions I think she was a pretty strong and independent woman so in memory of this, whether you like it or not, momentous week in history I though I would share some of my inspirational women with you...
BEYONCE! A truly independent woman. Why would I chose her? Have you herd her voice?! I would be crazy not to include her! She is gorgeous, talented and most importantly humble. Most of you will know, if you have seen any of her stuff, that she is a very grateful artist, she works hard at what she does and she sees the beauty in life and well.. have you ever seen horrific pictures of her partying, doing drugs, going to rehab or such like? no! she is a strong woman and she is not stick thin, she has a real body but most of all she keeps her private life private and out of the spotlight which I think one day Blue Ivy will thank her for! 

 Bethany Joy Lenz... Many of you may not know this actress, singer, writer, producer and mum from Adam but she is beautiful! This woman has my second favorite voice in the world. She is a very honest and humble celebrity, an eager blogger and institutionally creative person. If you read her blog you will begin to understand my love of her creativity and desire to find the small- but ever so beautiful things in the world which hide round corners.

 Hilarie Burton... Now this lady is goooood looking but I don't know much about her because for this list she represents my only fictional character choice... Peyton Sawyer. Peyton, a character in One Tree Hill, is a girl trying to find her way in life, around high school and boys through her music and art. You maybe thinking oh yeh well she hasn't actually had to put up with all of that shes just a fictional character but that doesn't make her any less inspirational. If there is a person out there who has had to deal with even a fraction of what she has had to go through they get my utmost respect!

Hilary Duff... Now this girl I respect, why? because she is the only child star I can think of that hasn't gone to loonie-ville! She is a down to earth 25 year old with a gorgeous son and husband. Anyone seen LiLo recently and you will know exactly what I mean! She also lost her baby weight sensibly and slowly which I liked, none of this post baby crash gym dieting! 

 Oh Jen... Jen Jen Jen how could anyone NOT love you?! She is gorgeous, the perfect rom-com girl and most importantly our beloved Rachel! Need I say more?
Sophia Bush... She is gorgeous but why is she on my list? she is a major campaigner and a good actress and a stunning young lady that is why! Sophia is not one to sit and watch as something happen that she does not feel is just or fair, rather she stands up for what she believes in and nobody should ever be afraid to do that!

 Kimbers... (Kimberly Walsh) Why is she in my top list of lovely women? Have you not seen her? She is gorgeous! I have to say I'm not convinced about her singing voice, I believe it is a little under developed and not strong enough to be a solo singer like Bethany or Beyonce however she has a gorgeous body, curves in all the right places and she is not a size zero!

  Holly Willoughby... British TV presenter Holly is the final woman on my list... for now anyway! She is gorgeous, like I have said for all the others, she doesn't have a skinny body but is sexy as hell but most of all I love her and find her inspiring because of her laugh. She is criticized about how often she gets the giggles on Television but I think there is something beautiful about an honest laugh and when someone gets the giggles I think it is one of the most beautiful things!

So that's it, for today anyway. Hope you have enjoyed and I will see you again soon I promise! xPCx

Friday 5 April 2013


There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

Shakespeare here insinuates that opportunities are rare and that we have to be vigilant in protecting not only the opportunities to succeed but the opportunities to laugh, embrace the enchantment of life and to live. 
But should this success come at the price of losing friends along the way? Should we just accept that people grow distant or is there a reason what we fight for some friendships and not others? Is this choice, a choice of personal growth and progression over a companion, a selfish one, or is it self-less? Perhaps there is an instinct within us that tells us which friendships to fight for and which to let slip.
Today I witnessed the failure of a great friendship, one which had spanned years of change and personal growth. Neither person fought to re-ignite what had been, instead they accepted the reality of their situation and the unwillingness of one party to sustain a friendship during their university education. 
Some would say letting go does not mean giving up but rather accepting things that cannot be, but is that not the same?  or does it take more heart, more consideration to let go. Is 'to let go' to set something free and to allow that person to move on. 
Many of us left school on the promise of a friendship that would last forever. But can a friendship really survive forever when people are moving on to new opportunities? To open one door surely means to close another... right?
'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: Oh no! it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken.' Shakespeares 116 sonnet. 
A true love, a true friendship, is one that does not waver, Shakespeare says, with any alteration of circumstance, rather it is a lighthouse which stands steady whenever shaken. 
A true love then can outlast opportunity or change and to willingly let go means one has never loved truly for the loss of true love is a loss so devastating that one should never love or be loved again.

Until next time xPCx 

Thursday 4 April 2013

It's just the beginning...

Bloggs are a load of rubbish, a way for unimportant and 'inspired' people to tell an uninterested world every private detail about their boring lives. So... why not join in right? 
I am about as average as you could get; a middle class undergraduate, a single girl in a city, a single being amongst every other human on earth but if I have nothing worth saying then don't be disappointed because I really wont bother saying it! 
So, this is me, this is my blogg and my 'time to shine'. Read it or don't.  Complain about my dreadful writing ability. Or just read, take a moment to think even if what I have to say is crap it will surely lead you onto better thoughts or, if magic is actually real, it might make you laugh! 

 Until, next time xPCx