Monday 15 April 2013


“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” 

I have not suffered enormous tragedy in my life unlike some, however the personal tragedies which I have endured have taught me one thing... I am one of those people who believes in being told the truth - no matter what!  Personally I would much rather be pissed off than be lied to, m
y best friend is the same and I think this is one of the reasons I love her. 
I am also not one to hold back, if I know the truth then I will tell someone - I think that's why my best friend loves me too! If someone asks for my opinion then I really will tell them, for is it not best to warn someone of the fact before they make a fool of themselves?
You could argue that the truth is their's to discover however not knowing the truth to start off with, and being humiliated because of this, can have lasting damage on a person. This is why I chose my friends wisely and I often distance myself from those who think they can protect me by hiding the truth, for the truth really does set you free and enable you to move on from a situation and make the best of what you can. 
To tell the truth takes courage and grace, it is not easy but ultimately it is the best option...

Love xPCx

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